I've been learning 'epublishing'. I started to skate along this particular learning curve because my From Wear To Wye book has sold well locally but is imprisoned in a bookshop in the woods. I have regained the publishing rights and was going to court another, bigger publisher. Or find an agent. Well, folks, that was only a couple of months ago but I've so moved on!
I'm undertaking an epublishing apprenticeship with From Wear To Wye, which I've rebranded as 'Hang On A Minute! Tales of a writer's life in the ancient Forest of Dean' (there are search keyword reasons for such a long subtitle btw). And I've taken those tales into the global playground, to meet new people, make new friends, new sales, new readers who want to read more of my work.
Initially, I've published via Amazon Kindle, and via the free download available for Kindle for the pc (see links below). But I'm learning, learning, learning ... and more global publishing platforms are to be undertaken in the very near future (could be next week for one of 'em).
I have no qualms at all about epublishing/self-publishing. Any form of publishing does not guarantee you sales. It's all about the promo and the distribution, honeys. To epublish is to give you global distribution. That's quite a big market you know. And it's free. You don't pay money up front, Amazon Kindle etc take a proportion of the sale price per book (just like trad publishers).
But unlike traditional publishers, the epublishers don't take the lion's (lioness's) share. I received 15% of my paperback price. I receive 70% of my epublished copies.
Even when you set the price low to attract more readers (HOAM is £2.15 to download), you're still able to get paid more per book.
Oh, the delicious control of it! It feels great!
You still need to work at promoting your book - just like you do with traditional publishers - but that's only fitting really, it's your book.
But you don't have to wait months and months - maybe forever - for publishers & agents that you are courting to stop playing hard to get and tell you how they feel.
It is so motivating, I just can't tell you ... well, I can, because I am. It's marvellous!!!
And for any of us who are writing genre material - fantasy, science fiction, horror - there's a huge and hungry market. Huge. And hungry ...
Below find my Kindle blurb and the relevant links.
And that's enough for day one, except to say that I've already made 2 sales - including one in Ireland that I didn't have to travel to in order to promote or sell - and that's 2 more than I've sold in months.
More, much more, anon
From Kindle Store:
"Whether she's communing with a dead composer, performing to an audience of uni-cycling cherubim or time-travelling through a gateway in the woods, Fi Benson's tales are filled with cheery nuggets of wisdom and hearty laughter. Hang On A Minute! is a collection of tales about Fi's life as a writer and dramatist in the ancient Forest of Dean. Wry and quirky, her stories sparkle with faerie dust and provide a magical introduction to a beautiful setting.
'That one little book has made me feel better than 6 months of therapy'
'Fi's vivid characters make me laugh - they remind me of the people I know'
'Totally absorbing'
'Has she written the next one yet?'"
It's epublished in Amazon's Kindle Store - if you haven't a Kindle you can read the book on your computer via the free download 'Kindle for pc' with the following link: http://www.amazon.com/gp/feature.html/ref=kcp_pc_mkt_lnd?docId=1000426311
For UK, it's £2.15 and available at: http://www.amazon.co.uk/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=search-alias%3Ddigital-text&field-keywords=Hang+On+A+Minute&x=14&y=25
In USD, it's $3.43 and available at: http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=search-alias%3Ddigital-text&field-keywords=Hang+On+A+Minute&x=13&y=21
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